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Booking Through Thursday - TBR

Today's BTT question asks:

Do you keep all your unread books together, like books in a waiting room? Or are they scattered throughout your shelves, mingling like party-goers waiting for the host to come along?

My answer:

For the most part, I keep all of my unread books in one spot. There is a bookcase in my bedroom especially for tbr books. However, some classic tbr's occupy space in our main family room bookcase. Here you will find The Woman in White shelved next to The Moonstone. Death Comes for the Archbishop waits patiently beside My Antonia and O Pioneers!, and Summer is tucked in between The Custom of the Country and The House of Mirth. A few others on this shelf include Bleak House, To The Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway, and Light in August (maybe a good read for next month?).

TBR library books are stacked on a small table or on the windowsill near my favorite reading/blogging chair. I like to keep them separate from books I own - it's easier to renew or return them on time that way.

Finally, there is my 'immediate tbr pile' on the nightstand. These are books that I plan to start very soon, and is usually no more than 2 or 3 books high. Sometimes, however, I'll get too ambitious and it grows to six or more, but I don't like that to happen too often. That's when I tend to rush through one book to get to the next...and my enjoyment decreases as the pile shrinks.

How about you? Where do your tbr books 'belong'?

Visit today's Booking Through Thursday post to see all the answers.

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