At the northern edge, the few remaining Elves of Falas and the Green Elves, continue their fight...
The two remaining Green Elves are still standing their ground!
With their backs to the mountains and the gate to their homeland, the Elves and Men of Hithlum and For-lomin fight desperately against the oarfish hordes...
This fight continues southward towards the Fen...
The Elves of Gondolin fight their way on either side of the Fen as their attempt to link up with Turgon's brother Fingon...
And still, the two Green Elves still stand, dropping orcs...
The Elvish/Mannish line is barely holding...
The Elves of Gondolin are making their presence felt...
One of the Elves from Falas goes down as his fellows continue their fight...
The orcs are beginning to flank the Elves as well as piercing the center!
Turgon has just about broken trough to his brother (lower left)...
And still, the surrounded Falas' and Green Elves hold on! This has been an incredible feat (at least in a gaming universe)...
With their lines flanked and split, Fingon's men need the assistance of Turgon, Ecthelion, and Glorfindel arriving from the right...
Men of Gondolin are smashing down those orcs...
A wounded Captain from Hithlum (green cap), two Green Elves, and one from Falas prove to be a very tough nut to crack as they down three more orcs...
Hurin (center) and his brother Huor (to the right), are on their own!
Glorfindel reaches Fingon's men (upper left), while a couple of stubborn orcs are surrounded...
to be continued...
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