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First Day of School and Curriculum We Use :)

Today was our best school day in a loooooooooooong time.  We did school through the summer, but a lite schedule.  Today was our first official day back.

And it went fabulously.

This year we are taking a Unit Study approach to school, we have homeschooled for six years now and this is the first time we have tried this approach.  Some of the tools (not all) that we will be using this year are...

1) Math Is Fun website.  LOVE this site.  We are on the fence trying to decide whether to try Teaching Textbooks or the Life of Fred...I know - they are VERY different :)
2) The Spalding Method, the Writing Road to Reading...this is intense, but has netted us some beautiful results.  We tried lots of different phonics programs before we stumbled on this one two (maybe three?) years ago and hands down it has worked the best for us.
3)  First Language Lessons - love all four of these
4)  Ruth Heller's grammar read alouds (ex. Merry-Go-Round a Book about Nouns)
5)  Biblegateway audio dramatized version.  We started in Genesis One and will move forward from here, will supplement with Tom Bradford's Torah Class.
6) For History The Story of the World (love this series!) and read alouds
7) For Science we are using some Apologia books as well as read alouds
8) We are using How to Teach Art, Music/Composer Appreciation CD series (cannot remember the name of this one), and Who was/is.... series (ex. Who was Walt Disney)
*edited to add
9)  A Child's Geography by Ann Voskamp


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