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New Blog: Movie Poster Vault

My wife and I love movies... and movie posters. And I thought it would be fun to collect scans of amazing movie poster art on a site for our own enjoyment. But we wanted there to be some sort of unifying theme, so we decided that we would only post the theatrical posters for movies we actually own on DVD, Blu-Ray or Laserdisc. As we possess over 3,000 titles... and counting... this may take a while. Especially since we only post a batch of posters to it every once in a while.

If you've ever been curious about what my video collection looks like, well, the Mills Movie Poster Vault should give you an idea of the variety of films that my wife and I (though most of the posters so far are from movies that are more "mine" than "ours.") have collected. 

I probably should have set it up on Tumblr, since it seems to be a more image-oriented service, but I'm used to Blogger, so I set it up there. Check it out if you're interested.

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