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Quick New Way to Generate Attributes Making it a Game

I know this is one of the most explored subjects out there and people have already come up with thousands (maybe?) of different ways to generate characters Attributes. But I guess I can't help myself from thinking about new ways to make it more interesting for players while not giving them too much control over it to allow the old surprise of making a character based on the results rolled (dice can be a great source of inspiration I believe). So here is what I am doing right now in my games.

Players do the traditional roll 3d6 down the line with just one slight difference. They can reroll 1 die of every roll, but they must keep the second result no matter if it's higher or lower than the original one. This is slightly better for the number than 3d6 but definitly worst than 4d6 dropping the lowest. And, more importantly, it gives players a difficult choice (I love those). Should they risk rerolling a die or not? It's not uncommon to reroll a 1 or 2 and still get the same result or lower (in the case of a 2), so Rerolling a 3 or more is pretty risky, but can be rewarding too.

So that's pretty much it. It has been fun, and has made players face choices right out of the bet, kinda like in a micro-game.

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