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Stripes for Summer

My latest post is up today on the Craftsy sewing blog; sewing stripes for summer. I am obsessed with stripes lately which is funny as I have not been much a stripe sewer previously. Many more plaid than stripe items in my sewing history. But stripes are everywhere lately - probably always have been and I just didn't notice.

Anyway - click over to read some tips on sewing with stripes. Stay tuned because when working on this post I had an idea for another topic, also using stripe, so that one will appear soon. Here's a little hint of what's to come: bias!

Here's the link: Sewing Summer Stripes

Craftsy sewing stripes post

By the way, this dress pictured in the Craftsy post is made with some quilting cotton I bought at Stone Mountain fabrics with a thought about using it to make some cushion covers for my sewing chair. But I never did and then thought - so summery. I think I need to revive my Etsy shop which is dormant lately and sell off some of my samples and test garments. Need to clean out the closet space!

For the blog-anniversary giveaway drawing mentioned in my last post, I will draw the two names tomorrow evening so if you are interested please comment. 

My friend Shams tells me that the Britex event on June 28 is becoming very popular so if you are planning to go you need to register at the Britex website. I look forward to meeting you if you are going to come so be sure to introduce yourself.

Onward to some sewing tomorrow :)  

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