After a couple of heady high-falootin' topics earlier in the week I think it's time to just slow down and relax today here on Tossing It Out. I want to thank everyone for not only the great discussion here on this blog, but also the discussion that carried over on some of the other blogs. I guess it just goes to show you that the topics of followers and just doing the A to Z Challenge are topics that many of us are still thinking about.
In between other activities I've been trying to get the press releases out to the media. Unfortunately I haven't been able to devote much quality time to writing up the releases and making contacts, but I believe I should be having some things come out. This is a project that I'll have to start on earlier next year.
I mean really! Is April 1 coming quickly or what? It's next Friday folks! And now I'm thinking I'm not as ready as I'd hoped I'd be, but not to worry I'm sure we'll all manage.
stuff and other stuff
So speaking of followers, I've run across some of our participants who still only have a handful of followers. Here's a new challenge: If any of you reading this have the same follower philosophy as I do (try to get a bunch of them) would you please try to find at least five new blogs from the A to Z list to follow this weekend. If you can do five a day between now and next Friday that would be even better. Let's give some of our fellow bloggers a boost.
And so before the Challenge starts I have a couple of awards I need to get out of the way. I also still have a few lost among my emails. I'll have to get to those later. But I'll take care of these two and you can start on my follow-a-new-blog challenge by following the blogs that I pass the awards to as well as those who gave me the awards. I will be drawing from my commenters of this week.
One Lovely Blog Award

From MysteriousRose at MysteriousBooks comes this One Lovely Blog Award.
What do to when receiving this award:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link (okay, that's done--thanks again Mysterious Rose).
2) Pass the award to
3) Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award (I hope I remember).
I'm going to pass this first award to:
Angeline Trevena / Fantasy and Horror Writer
Lisa Vooght at Flash Fiction
L.G. Smith at Bards and Prophets
Memetastic Award
Sandi at That's Ahh Some! passed me the Certified to Lie Memetastic Award where I'm supposed to tell 3 lies and 1 truth and you're supposed to guess which one is true. But then I received the same award from Liz at 8-Bit Words except that hers is an Allowed to Tell One Lie Award (okay I made that up) where I tell four truths and one lie. Now I don't know how this divergence occurred in the life of the award, but I guess it leaves me to choose which way I want to go with this.
Hmmm--- I don't like to lie, but I am a storyteller so I guess they're not really lies are they. So here's the deal. I'll tell mostly "stories". Can you guess which of the following is true?
Wait!: there is only one story tonight and it is true. My computer slowed down so bad tonight that I'm not going to get around to any story telling. I'm going to go to bed instead. But I'll still get the award passed on and the recipients can tell their stories if they like.
Once again I'm going to pass this on to, not 5 like suggested, but 3 more bloggers just to save some time.
dafeenah a Journey of Self Discovery
Sand Castles and Snow Forts
Julie at What Else is Possible?
So I'm done. Not going to proofread or anything else. Done. Finshed. Soon to be asleep. That's what I get for waiting so late to do this.
Follow some new blogs--make some new friends!
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