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UPDATE: Flower Beauty Inquiry (Drew Barrymore's line @ Walmart)

UPDATE: (August 6, 2013)

*A representative from Maesa has emailed me back explaining the China issue:
Hi Camila,
We have an office in Hong Kong, but we do not sell product in Hong Kong. Simply, we do not test on animals as our products are sold in the US and Europe.
Maesa is the parent company for FLOWER.
You can visit our Web site for any additional information.
Thank you,
[I've omitted any names]
Also, they wanted to clarify for all of you:  
I already stated that Flower does not partake in animal testing nor done on any formula or ingredient.  This includes raw materials for our formulas.  We are not affiliated with any companies that tests product ingredients on animals. Our products do not contain any animal-derived ingredient.  Our cosmetics lab has signed a Statement of Assurance through PETA.  Our ingredients are non-toxic according to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.   
This is all good news guys! Flower Beauty has signed with PETA which in addition to not testing raw ingredients, having a cruelty-free parent (Maesa Engineering Beauty), and not selling in the Chinese market makes me feel 1000% more safe in purchasing from them! YAY!! &  I will be adding them to my Cruelty-Free list. 

UPDATE: FLower Beauty has clarified that they do have an office in Hong Kong but DO NOT sell in China. They only sell in the US and Europe. 

Hey guys. When Drew Barrymore came out with this line, I was excited but hesitant. I actually wrote an article on here about my concerns.

I did receive a reply from Masea Engineering Beauty which is Flower's parent company. Of course, I wanted to share it with you guys, but I held-off because I do have some concerns.(This have been cleared up with the new information).   Anyways, I used the format I always use. (I used the old format).

A representative got back to me, with:
Hi Camila,
Please see the answers below.
Thank you for your interest in FLOWER.
 [I've omitted names]
To Whom It May Concern:I am doing research on animal testing, and I need to verify a few key points about your company. 
1. Does your company test ingredients or finished products on animals? There is no animal testing done on any formula or any ingredient used by Flower factories in these formulations. 
2. Do you test ingredients or products on animals through a 3rd party? There is no animal testing done on any formula or any ingredient used by Flower factories in these formulations. 
3. Do your manufacturers test ingredients or products on animals? The raw material manufacturers do not test any ingredients on animals. 
4. Are you owned or affiliated with any companies that test products or ingredients on animals?  NO 
5. Do you/your parent company currently or have plans to market and sell your products in the Chinese market, which requires animal testing by law to sell in that country?  NO 
6. Do you use palm oil/carnuaba wax in any of your products? If so, is it from an organic and sustainable source?  NO 
7. Could you provide a list of all of your current vegan items available for purchase?  All products are vegan 
Thank you so much for the information.   Please note, that any correspondence I receive will be published on humanelychic.blogspot.com, which is my own privately owned blog. -Camila 
I was at first relieved to receive this reply. However, after looking at Maesa website I had some doubts. First I was confused at what exactly they do. Are they the manufactures of the raw ingredients for Flower or just provide the packaging design? 
Well according to the Maesa website(Under the "Our Business tab) :
"Maesa partners with over 100 leading retailers and beauty brands worldwide creating exclusive beauty and home fragrance programs.Maesa launches more than 3,000 proprietary products a year ranging from fragrance, color cosmetics, bath & body, skincare, haircare, and home." 

Also under "Expertise" you will see a list of what they do.

This is a screen-shot from their website. (http://www.maesa.com/

Feeling overhelmed and confused I emailed them back. 

[I've omitted any names],
Thank you for your reply. I have some questions I would appreciate you cleared up. I understand the manufacturers of Flower are Maesa Engineering Beauty. I was looking at Maesa's website and found that they also manufacture for Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani, etc. Those two companies are owned by Coty which does test on animals, at least for retail in the Chinese market; which as you might be aware of requires animal testing for cosmetic products.

  • Is Maesa Engineering Beauty the parent company of Flower Beauty? 
  • Does Maesa provide the raw ingredients or just package design? 
  • Does Maesa test ingredients or finished products on animals?
  • If you sell in the Chinese market?

Thank you for your time,

They replied with: 

Hi Camila,
Is Maesa Engineering Beauty the parent company of Flower Beauty? YES
Does Maesa provide the raw ingredients or just package design? Maesa provides the package design and we work with a factory who provides the raw ingredients. Neither Maesa or the factory tests on animals as stated in my previous answers to your questions.
Does Maesa test ingredients or finished products on animals? NO
If you sell in the Chinese market? WE DO NOT SELL FLOWER IN THE CHINA MARKET

UPDATE: FLower Beauty has clarified that they do have an office in Hong Kong but DO NOT sell in China. They only sell in the US and Europe. 


*****DISCLAIMER: Everything in grey is old information. I have updated this. Scroll up to see!

This sounds good and all, but I came upon Maesa's Organization Profile. Where it clearly states: 
"The Maesa Group is the fastest growing and most comprehensive resource for "Beauty on Demand" products and services. With branches in Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and Shanghai..." 

So far things are looking bad for Flower Beauty. You guys know that I do not support companies who have a parent company that test on animals**. How can I? I have no idea where my money would go, it might even go to fund animal testing. 

 I have emailed them back, asking about their selling in Hong Kong.

**(If a company sells in China, they are required to test their products on animals.) 

I am waiting for his reply and I will update you guys once I receive it. If I was you I would definitely HOLD OFF on buying from Flower Beauty. 

Please leave me your feelings about this mess! What you do you think? 

Until Next Time,

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