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Timing—It Can Suck

I had it all planned out. Packed my laptop. Made sure my Nook was charged. Ready to spend the day editing and reading at the hospital while my hubby had his tonsils removed.

The alarm was set for 5:30am (we had to be at the hospital by 6:30). I woke up at 2:15am.

Apparently I ate something Thursday night that had more than the ingredients listed. Something with a little bug. I was up every few minutes. By the time 5:30 came, I was exhausted.

Did I get any editing done? Nope.

Did I get any reading done? Very little.

Did I get a lot of sleep later? You betcha.

Since hubby has sleep apnea, the doctor wanted to keep him overnight to make sure he wouldn’t have any problem breathing. So I left the hospital early, came home, and crashed.

Then I thought I was gonna die.

I know, dramatics. But I did have a fever of 101 so cut me some slack.

Apparently food poisoning hits 1 in 6 people a year. I feel I’ve been that one too many times. It’s awful and drains you like nothing else can.

By Saturday I was feeling well enough to clean up the mess I had made on Friday (which turned out to be less than I thought—thank goodness!) and take a shower. And I was able to drive hubby home. After that? Yeah, I wasn’t in the mood to do much more.

Really, the timing couldn’t have been more horrible. At a time when my hubby needed me the most, I couldn’t be there. And the time I needed him, he couldn’t. It sucked!

At least by Sunday I felt well enough to finish the edits on A Vampire Wedding and return it to my editor. Something I had hoped to have done on Friday. Or even Saturday. Oh well. Better late than never, right?

So… Have you ever been that 1 in 6? I hope not. I don’t wish that stuff on anyone.


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