raya always seems so quiet...well for the last two years that is.
i've been feeling rather lonely...
(yeah. no wonder she finally updates her blog)
its true. i was dying for some alone time for quite awhile. i wanted to get productive, finish all my work on my own time and not hurriedly to reach datelines. i wanted to start on all the procrastinated projects i've been storing for months.
but now that i do have time, i no longer feel like doing anything :(
everyone dah balik kampung. salam's not here. my family is never at home.
which brings me to a good topic:
should mothers be allowed to have night time social activities?
is it worng for a daughter to get mad when i'm sitting at hone watching tv re-reuns while my mother is having fun with her friends till late night??
there is no such thing as '"your old enough to take care of yourself"! mothers are suppose to be home knitting. or something of that sort.
anyways, happy raya to everyone.
and in the spirit of maafing zahir & batin,
i do apologize to everyone.
i've made my share of mistakes. sorry:(
you know, it would really make my week if someone tapau'd some rendang for me.
i could use some cheering up.
" don't let your life wrap up around you. don't forget to call whenever. i'll be here just waiting for you. i'll be under your stars forever" -beautiful, smashing pumpkins
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